Episode 10

Published on:

19th Oct 2023

010. Why Travel is so Transformative & Healing with Chloe Ravel

Have you ever wondered what it's like to go on a retreat?

Are you feeling the call to see the world, but want to do so with a supportive community?

In today's episode, I have the honor of speaking with my beautiful business partner, and the other half of Rising Nature Retreats - Chloe Ravel. Chloe is a yoga & meditation teacher, a vibrational therapist & sound healer and the co-founder of Rising Nature Retreats. She's lived across multiple countries, and spent extensive time in Spain, which changed her outlook on life and how travel is a main component of her healing journey.

We also talked about our recent Costa Rica Retreat this past September, and do an on-air recap of what happened and what inspired us from this retreat.

What We Discuss:

  • Chloe's time living in Spain and how it changed her
  • How nature is so healing for Chloe
  • RNR's recent Costa Rica Retreat & the Pura Vida lifestyle
  • The power of traveling in a supportive group
  • How you can build lifelong connections on retreats

Connect With Chloe:


Connect with Kelly:


Thanks for tuning in!


Chloe Ravel


I'm your host, Kelly Tolede, and it's my mission to inspire you to live life to its fullest, travel with an open mind and heart, and let the world show you a new perspective. I'm so grateful you're here with us today, so let's dive right in. Happy exploring!

Kelly: All right, here we go. Welcome to the Transform with Travel podcast. I am so, so, so excited today because I have my beautiful business partner, my soul sister, my work wife here with me, Chloe Revelle, the other half of Rising Nature Retreats. And I'm so excited and grateful that you're here with us today.

oe have been connected since [:

A strong community of yogis and people who are interested in wellness like I had in Sydney and my friend Marissa, shout out to the Wander Shop here in Fort Lauderdale, messaged me and said, you have to get connected with Chloe. So then when I moved back, we got connected and we, like I said, we did a couple events together and That was really it.

We, we followed each other through the pandemic. We kind of kept in contact with each other. And then I had an opportunity to run a retreat in Florida and I needed a a person to run it with me and help me collaborate. And so I offered to you and that was really how Rising Nature Retreats was born. We had an amazing experience working together.

l, for real. And then on the [:

Two fire signs working together. So thank you for joining us today. I'd love for you to introduce yourself and tell us a little bit about

Chloe: you. Thank you. Thank you for having me. This is so exciting. And I'd love to remember and just reminisce on that aha moment because it truly was such a special moment.

When. The, the birth of Rising Nature Retreat. So my name is Chloe Revelle. I am passionate about wellness and travel and I'd love to share the modalities that for me have changed my life, which include yoga, meditation, sound healing. And mindset coaching and the mindset work. And I've been teaching for about eight years now, which is crazy to think about how time flies.

Florida really searching for [:

And I was working at a tea shop that was right next to a yoga studio. So these yogis would walk in all the time and would sit and order tea and just have so much to offer, such great conversations. And I put the intention out there that I wanted to meet people and the universe always provides. And so that was the beginning of it.

One night was invited to head on over to that yoga class and connect in that space. And it was so incredibly therapeutic and wonderful for me and I found my people. And so then I started attending as a student and then before I knew it, I was in the teacher training program. And then before I knew it, I was teaching at that studio here in Fort Lauderdale, which was really special for me.

I was dealing with a lot of [:

And so I continued my journey to learn how to share this with others. Because that's my thing. It's like when I find something that I'm really passionate about, I just get so excited. That's the Gemini in me. Yeah, you're a teacher. And I, and I just want to share with the world. I just like the energy.

I can't help it. I can't help but share the things that I'm passionate about. So that's how the journey began and then a couple years after teaching I started to dive deep into meditation and the benefits of meditation and mindset and how to really shift into the changes I wanted to see for myself professionally starting a new business and I came across Sound healing and that has completely changed my life and really brought everything full circle because Growing up, I was really involved in music.

ed and was traveling. And so [:

So yeah, anyways, so

Kelly: you mentioned that you're a Gemini, that's also the name of your business, the Gemini Rising. But so you mentioned that you were living in Spain before you moved to South Florida.

Can you talk a little bit about why you were there in Spain? What were you doing? I know you kind of bounced around Europe a little bit, so I'd love to hear kind of that journey of Yeah. Taking that step to moving there and what that was like actually as an ex pat living over there. Yeah,

Chloe: it was, it was such an amazing experience.

nd already in my high school [:

I think a lot of it stems from my childhood and my dad traveling a lot for work and my mom doing such a beautiful job, like when I would miss him, she would tell me the stories while And I think that brought back like that storytelling and that enchantment and that curiosity to my awareness at a very young age.

So I I was really lucky to travel as an adolescent and as a teen. And so when I was graduating from college, it just made sense for me to, to travel because I was like, I feel like if I head out and just venture out, I'll find the answers I'm seeking. And that's kind of like. The premise of everything that we do with Rising Nature Retreats, right?

allow yourself to be really [:

And so I landed in Spain. I had the choice to either be in Madrid or in a small beach town in Andalucía in southern Spain. And I chose a small beach town, as a New Yorker, I needed a little bit of a reprieve. And I was just seeking, some more stillness.

It was very contradictory. to anything I had known leading up to this. But I just knew that I just wanted more stillness and peace in my life. So I ended up in this small little town and the gig I got was a teaching gig to teach English to elementary school kids. And it was an awesome opportunity because I also love language learning.

I did a lot of travel within [:

Diverse in, in in the environment and like, I was living in southern Spain, which was very like, desert like, and I'd travel up to northern Spain and got to connect with the Basque culture and Basque country that's very green, very lush. Yeah, and did some bouncing around Europe and it was an incredible year of reflection.

I feel like that's really when my journaling practice came about because I, I made this commitment also to not just make friends with Americans and like meet new people, which was challenging, but a part of my spiritual growth to put myself in those uncomfortable situations. I made amazing friends and I also had a lot of time for myself to journal, to meditate, to, to just connect with some time to ask questions of myself, to discover things about myself.

t I will always remember and [:

So I'd go there like once a month to connect with that culture. And in Granada, there's a lot of street musicians, a lot of this boho life, but there's this small little aromatherapy shop. And I would go there every time and make. like a connection and beautiful relationship with the shop owner. And she taught yoga.

So she was one of the first people that I met that I was like, okay, these yogis, they're, they're up to some really cool things. So yeah, my time in Spain was just. One for the

Kelly: books. That's incredible. So I've known you for five years now. We've been working, talking every day. Every ten minutes. For two years.

hat travel affords you. Like [:

daily obligations that you feel required to solve every problem when you're back home. Those take a toll on your creativity, on your ability to, like, think outside of the box and really dream up the life that you want to live. So I think that's really amazing that you had that experience. And so, after you lived in Spain, did you go back straight to New York or were you heading to South Florida after that?


Chloe: I was heading back to New York. I was in New York for about a summer. And then again, there was like this uneasiness, this restlessness that I felt. And I was like, okay, somewhere new. That's all I knew at that point was like somewhere new is going to continue to give me the answers that I'm seeking. And living by the beach in Spain, it was just something that I was like, okay, that's where.

realization that Being close [:

So I landed, I chose to explore, and in South Florida was truly just something I was trying out and like I mentioned, I found, like, I was interning at a nonprofit. Working with the IRC with different refugees that were coming in to the country and providing them resources around wellness and health and nutrition and just doing, like, basic classes basic education.

in that space, and I really loved that internship. It was incredible. And then I and in that time is when I found my little gig, you know, as a 22 year old, like barista at this tea shop. And then I found the yoga community, and then I got hooked. I was like, These are my people. This is my place. Let's see what I can create as an entrepreneur.

Like having [:

And I've been here

Kelly: ever since. And so that's kind of really a really beautiful. synopsis or a really beautiful, way that you've merged all of your different passions together because that trip to Spain, I know you had done other trips before and you've lived in France and you've done all these fun things, but it seems like this idea of travel as a form of personal development or travel as a form of really being a part of your spiritual practice, following those little pings of where nature was calling you, which is in our name, Rising Nature Retreats, and then That led you to the point of this awakening of wow, yoga, meditation, essential oil, sound healing.

created with Gemini Rising. [:

To be able to bring all those things together has just been a really magical experience for both of us to be able to do that. I, I want to touch on a little bit of this idea of How healing nature is for you. I know you just did a post today on Mental Health Awareness Day and about how nature has really been such a healing power for you and how when you travel you can seek out those places.

And I know when we select locations for our retreats we make sure that they're steeped in nature, that it's a different environment than what we're used to, and that people really get that sense of being immersed.

So I'd love to hear a little bit about what, like, what that means for you when you're in nature, what that does for you on like an energetic, physical level.

Chloe: [:

So I guess if I think about it retrospectively, like growing up, that wasn't something I necessarily had a connection to. Like nature, for example. I grew up in a big city. It was a big part of my identity that I was a big city girl, you know. So when I went, actually my undergrad was in upstate New York in the Hudson Valley.

In a very rural place and that was, I, I believe, the first experience with nature, but that time it was very, it was very abrupt, it was very in my face, like, wait, what? It's pitch black at night, everything is quiet, I can hear crickets, deer just frolicking around everywhere, is that the sound of a coyote way out there?

y for me, actually. And it's [:

Like, far away from my family and my friends. So, It's really come full circle for me as I've been doing a lot of work and saying a bit about shamanism, about indigenous practices, and how nature is such a core component of how these... indigenous people connect to spirit, to spirituality. And it just feels very accessible, very real, very true.

ience of being out in nature [:

We were having this conversation a couple of days, it just felt so nice, like we had our international plan for when we needed it, but for the most part, like, phones are away, we're not constantly being bombarded by the Google reminder and the, the Facebook and the Instagram and the email, it just, it feels as if modern day living is nonstop with the notifications.

And that is engaging your brain every time. Right? It's redirecting your attention to, from whatever you were doing to now, to now the the notification on your phone. So to be in these immersive experiences, first and foremost, it's this disconnect to reconnect in a way that just fills my soul and inspires me.

the stress of everyday life, [:

put together my sound healing certification course that for months I've been like Ruminating about like I want to do that. How am I gonna do that? Boom. It just came to me, right? So nature as a big source of inspiration for me. Absolutely because it clears the space I live in my head a lot. That's another Gemini tendency.

space then we can allow our [:

And I know that's something that we get to share with our guests, right? Like, you're here in this space. You've been able to create some distance from your everyday life. What does that mean for you? And what can you create from that space? So, creativity. Also, I feel like nature is very healing for me because it does, you know, allow me to look at the things that perhaps, I've been ignoring or just not paying attention to.

And so it allows for emotions to come up and or new awarenesses to come up in a really safe and supported way. So, to be in nature is to feel creative and to feel like there's safe space for me to heal.

Kelly: Yeah, I, I, I can 100 percent agree with that. I, and I think a lot of our guests also get that feeling.

is it affords you the chance [:

A lot of us even talked about how We were sleeping actually the number of hours we were sleeping were less But we felt more energized than we would back at home And I think that has so much to do with the healing power of nature Which is why it's so important for us in our retreats. It's like I said in our name rising nature retreats it's so important for us to be able to afford these opportunities to people to connect with nature and I think it's really funny that you say that your first real, like, nature experience was when you were 18, you're a big city girl, and then just this year you spent four days in an open air tree house with no walls, no air conditioning, barely any lights, in the middle of the jungle in Dominican Republic, you're hearing all the sounds, all the rain, all the everything, and to think, you know, [00:20:00] just however many years, not very long, You went from that to this is just so powerful.

And I think a lot of our guests got that and got that Perspective shift as well when they came with us to

Chloe: dr2 I I think like I look back and I can't even believe that the now me the present me is doing the things I'm doing And taking these leaps and and going to these really remote places and and I think people ask us that sometimes like, okay How come we're going this far into the jungle?

I mean, it's We, we do our best that, you know, we're not traveling crazy amounts, but there is a purpose for that, right? It's just the container. We talk a lot about that, the container. We really want to create a space that if we are gonna do this, we are gonna retreat, that we can be as far away from the stress and the distractions and in a Nature experience.

Like, maybe the first night [:

Kelly: that sound? Alrighty.

Chloe: Is there a lizard in the best sleep I ever got. Again, another retreat where I came back just feeling really ready to take it to the next level, right? Within my business, within my personal life, within my healing, because I gave myself that space. And I think that's a big reason why we do what we do, right?

really special to me because[:


Kelly: You know, their partner doesn't want to travel to Costa Rica or Greece, but they want to. So they go with the support of a group or people want to have a like minded community. They want to dive deeper into their yoga practice and the retreat on top of the amazing travel experiences that they get with culture, with adventure, with surfing, with historical hikes, like all the really cool stuff that we do.

On top of that, we get a lot of guests who are coming to deepen their yoga practice and their meditation practice. Other people are coming so that they get to. Really see a part of the world that they never thought they'd be able to see before that's what we're seeing with our Thailand Guests coming up.

k from Costa Rica and At the [:

I mean, every retreat is amazing and special in its own way because every Every group has their own energy, every location has their own energy, every excursion has their own energy. So it's truly like each retreat has its own blueprint, but, I'd love to, since this is so fresh for us, I'd love to, we haven't really had a chance to fully recap together.

So let's just do it while we're on air. Why not? Why not? So what was that like for you to lead the Costa Rica retreat?

Chloe: Costa Rica, so many things to chat about. It has been on my list for so long. I've heard you talk about it. So many people in my life who have traveled there and they're like, this is like your place.

versity that was experienced.[:

So I remember

Kelly: when we were looking at the menu and we're like, Oh, no, this day has chicken and rice. And the next day has chicken and rice. And our retreat manager in Costa Rica was like, No, this is the Caribbean chicken and rice. And this is the traditional Tico. And we're like, You'll see, you'll see. And it was completely different.

It was completely different and delicious. Yes,

o well balanced like we this [:

Joe Dispenza, which was really activational to do it like in the morning walking on the beach and feeling that vibration of the nature all around us. I remember a couple of our guests were like, that was the best place you could have picked to do a walking meditation. And I was like, well,

Kelly: this is, we had never even been there.

We were just like, this is Costa Rica. We'll see if it works.

Chloe: And it worked like so well. And so we had that space and time to really go deep in our practices when it came to the meditation with the amazing inversion workshop that you taught and allowing like all levels of practitioners to, Right?

like, Oh, I've never really [:

Yeah, we've done

Kelly: that this whole year actually. DR, we brought in a local sound healer, Grease, we brought in a local sound healer and massage therapist, and now Costa Rica.

Chloe: So that was every time when we connect with healers and practitioners. Within the countries that we're visiting, that's another, highlight moment for me because I just feel like I can learn so much and see the way people are holding space and showing up for this kind of work within their own creativity, within their own voice, within their own offering.

has this wholesome vibration [:

Kelly: What does Pura Vida mean? So Pura... For those listening. Pura Vida.

Chloe: Pura Vida is their way, it's the way they greet people and the way they welcome everyone and it's this like, go with the flow, and so it is, and here we are to enjoy life at its fullest.

And, it's at the core of how people choose to live their life there, right? Like connecting with nature, good vibes. So when I was hanging out after the retreat with a friend, he would say pura Vida and Buena Vibra.

So it's like pure life and then good vibrations, right? So it's all about the vibration, the energy that you put forth and how you show up in every exchange and I would feel it when I would go to the coffee shop. I'd feel it when we go to that little boutique that we love that we went to so many times.

ibuted to our space as chef. [:

I recognize you as you are recognizing me. And we, and we, that's something that we integrate in the yoga. This right like when we the word namaste means the light within me honors and recognizes light that is within you And so to see a culture not just do that in their 90 minute yoga class or nowadays 60 minute yoga class but all day long as it as it's part of who they are and the heartbeat of This land and the space it's just like so inspired So inspired and wanting to bring that good energy and vibration back into And I feel like our retreat guests like when I when I sit back and watch all the Testimonials we [00:29:00] just got I just I watch it and I'm just my heart is so Full and like so appreciative that we got to share that experience with all of our people and we got to be fully immersed not only in the nature, but in the Buddha V that vibration and that vibration, I feel is what's going to heal the world.

And we started with that walking meditation and it was the walk for the world that people were doing all over the world. So 146 countries were participating in this walk for the world. And And the prompt was walk in that world that you, be the change you want to see in the world and walk as if you're already that person being that change.

nto my everyday living. And, [:

This is Why retreats and travel is a spiritual task within itself. So you will have your everyday classes and journal prompts, but just to walk around in Costa Rica and meet people and connect is a spiritual

Kelly: experience already. Yeah, I, I agree with that. And I think I'll, like you said, a lot of the feedback that we got from guests also also reflected that back was the, that integration of the culture that you go visit. It's not just, I'm going to drop into this five star resort and do my yoga and then fly back home and not really have any interaction with the local community or the local culture. In DR, we brought arts and crafts for the local orphanage nearby in Greece.

nger on the pulse of the the [:

It's always there for me to teach, but it depends on the group. It depends on the time that we had. And our group in Costa Rica was just so ready to learn and, and take in so many different new aspects of yoga. So that was really special for me to be able to teach a lot of that. I've never taught that inversion workshop in a retreat capacity before, so that was really fun to be able to introduce that.

they were using the wall for [:

We were surfing in the water, and it was surf lessons, and I think maybe me and one other person had maybe done surf lessons before. And we had a woman on the retreat who was in her 60s, and she'd never surfed before, and she was, Surfing some pretty big waves like the instructor was pulling her back on these big waves and I was like, whoa, this is this is pretty big Okay, we'll see what happens and he pushes her on the wave and she gets on her knees and her she She puts her arms out like she's full on surfing and she came up to me and she said I was thinking this was, this was one of the best days of my life, I've had so much fun but actually I think this is the best day of my life and I, I started crying because I was just like that's why we do what we do and to be able to witness that and other, don't cry.

Chloe: Don't make me cry.

healing, from sound healing, [:

That's why we do what we do. That's why the transformation that happens on retreat. It, it can happen in your day to day studio back home, but like you said, that buffer from stress and that openness to new situations, that's what is becoming available to you to be able to really take that next leap into that next level of your life.


nd how impatient we would be [:

And the moment where you were like, You're going to have to ask for it because they're not going to just bring it, right? And

Kelly: they think that you're enjoying your time and your conversation. We're like, Oh, we've been sitting here for five minutes. Yeah,

Chloe: where's my check? Yeah. So that pace of slow living that just like that very simple cultural difference was a learning moment for all of us.

And even though I've been degrees like three or four times you have as well, just. Returning and being back and out of our American way of doing things like really hastily and really quickly, and we're always on the go. Just that first day that I was there in Athens before the retreat, I was like, oh, there's a different pace here.

ing go of the stress feeling [:

And so there is this like transition period that we see Going to retreat pre and post retreat that we are very supportive of because we have this awareness because we've done the travel That we're able to share with our guests, right? That it's okay that the first night that or the first morning if you want to sleep in and skip yoga We get it.

Mm hmm, right? We totally get it You're adapting to this new way of being and then in turn returning home post retreat is also this like reintegration of like okay Nobody really at home knows what I, went through and all the amazing things that I experienced on retreat. So I'm gonna, I'm coming back home with all this excitement.

e shared experiences. We are [:

We're there to support each other. I mean, just this weekend, we're getting together to immerse ourselves in a local nature spot and reconnect, right? So I love that, that aspect of what we do too, Kelly. The community is so, so important because it just, I mean, for me also, you know, as a Gemini Rising, like, I much rather do this work in groups than on my own, and there's just so much that we get out of these experiences, like when we do our group discussions, and we're just listening to each other, having our moments, I think those are truly some of, my most inspiring moments or inspired moments on retreat.

It's just Being that active listener and being open to receiving, knowledge and wisdom from the teachers all around us, which are our guests and the people that we collaborate. So, I'm just, like, so grateful for this community we've created.

, actually, as you said, the [:

The meaningful lifelong connections that are created on this retreat are something that we can't really put into words and it's something that like, you can't wrap up in a brochure why someone should come on retreat. In 2020 I hosted a retreat in Costa Rica, and a woman who had been coming to the studio that I was teaching At here in Fort Lauderdale had said like really last minute didn't really know me very well and she was like, I'm gonna go I'm putting my deposit down.

mer she flew from America to [:

How amazing is that? Like, and not just having people around your own age, the intergenerational relationships that are formed. The friendships that are formed with someone in their 20s and someone in their 70s. And what I think what you were mentioning with that group discussion, for me, it's hearing everyone's wisdom.

I remember on this Costa Rica retreat, some ladies that were in their 50s like, wow, we've learned so much from you, from some of the women that were in their early 20s or early 30s. And then vice versa, the women in their early 30s. We're like, wow, it's so nice to hear someone say.

ca. It was this next woman's [:

And it finally got to her and she was like, that's the first time in my life that I've. I've ever not known what I'm going to say next and that's true active listening when you're truly there in the present moment. So there's just like so many things that you can't wrap up in a brochure why going on retreat with Rising Nature Retreats is just so powerful.

And I think part of the reason why it is so powerful, not to toot our own horns, but we just work so well together. And I just feel so grateful that we were able to have these experiences and continue to grow and continue to build. the life of our dreams together and balance each other out in So many ways.

So many ways. Yeah. So is there anything else you want to say about Costa? Or just in

nly to do what we do, but to [:

Because when you, when you're starting something new, when you're starting a new business, you're in, in the throes of all the details, all the logistics planning. You know, there's, there's a lot, there's a lot to consider and a lot to account for. And I found that this experience, like, everything was just aligning exactly as it needed to.

seeing life with through new [:

Like that's what I thought about when you alluded to the closing ceremony. It was like, Not only, a moment of true active listening, but a moment of true presence. Because I, I, I do that, too. I think we all do that. Like, okay, I'm there's, I'm two people away from talking, what am I gonna say? And, like, you've missed out what the person who was sharing was sharing because you're so in your head about how you're going to be perceived.

So, Just to piggyback on that, it's just like, these are safe spaces where we're not so wound up or in the overthinking of like what am I going to say because you're so secure and safe in in the container in the space and know that there's no judgment that it's a space where anyone can share what's on their heart and know that that just stays in that container.

the capacity of local events [:

retreat or a taste of what you'll experience when you travel internationally with us. But yeah, I'm just feeling really connected to our purpose and our why and Thank you, Costa Rica.

Kelly: Yeah. Feeling all the feels today. All the feels. Yeah. So, you mentioned South Florida. So, for those listening from South Florida, we have weekly Sunday classes at Oceanic Pompano, which is just next to the Pompano Pier.

We've got an ocean view, ocean breeze. It's incredible. So that's every Sunday at 9 a. m. And then we have mini retreats that we run once a quarter. Our next one is going to be in December. So stay tuned for that. And then Chloe, you run a lot of local events. You do sound baths every Thursday. You do a sound bath in Fort Lauderdale.

o sound healing in different [:

All the amazing stuff that you're doing and then for us coming up. We have our Thailand retreat in January We are closing enrollment in the next few weeks. So for those who are interested in joining Thailand, please reach out to us I've lived in Thailand before I've spent a lot of time traveling through Thailand.

So we're really excited to take a group with us Over to Thailand. I know, Chloe, you're really excited.

Chloe: I'm just happy you're, you're coming. Yeah. This is, this is something I want to just highlight too. It's like you, when you come on retreat with us, you're truly traveling with travel experts. Like we have put in the work, we have We've been out there.

s been on my bucket list for [:

That's a good feeling for me, just as your business partner, and I do want to share that with people here, like, if you're, if you're feeling any sorts of, sort of, like, resistance, or like, I don't want to go if I can't convince my bestie to go with me, just know that we've got you, and that this is an experience that is tailored for you.

So if you have questions leading up to it on the retreat, after the retreat, like we're there for that, right? And we're there to support, we're there to give you the best answers that we can, and if we don't have the answers, we'll find the people that will have them for you. We're really traveling mindfully in a way that is Just cognizant of like all the energy that we're putting.

iving you recommendations on [:

Kelly: Yeah, absolutely. I think that's something that a lot of people take on board is they're like, wow, there's Like we do calls with people who need to have flight recommendations, like you said we have welcome calls so the group gets to know each other so there's a lot of support pre, during, and post retreat.

So also in:

Always. Oh, and also for those in South Florida, we have a one day retreat. So it's from 10 a. m. to 7 p. m. You don't have to go overnight anywhere. You don't have to go on a flight. It's here in South [00:46:00] Florida, in Fort Lauderdale, a one day retreat at the Ovara Beach Spa at the Aubert's residence. And so you get Yoga, meditation, breathwork, an amazing lunch, a massage or facial, access to their sauna, their steam room, all the things, and sound healing, community.

So it's a really great way to have that retreat feel, but not have to get on a plane or get PTO or all the things that you have to do in order to make a retreat work. So that's going to be a really awesome opportunity in November. Again, I'll link everything in the show notes for you guys, as well as all of Chloe's information.

So Clo, I always end these episodes with rapid fire questions that I don't share with anyone ahead of time. Aye, aye, aye. You ready? Okay, let's go. So number one is, if you could only go back to one country or place in the world, where would it be and why?

Chloe: Only back to one country.

It would be Spain. It would [:

Kelly: Amazing. Number two is where is next on your bucket list? Ah, Vietnam.

Oh, yeah, you're literally going there. I'm going. So excited for you. Number three is what's the biggest life lesson that you've learned while traveling?

Chloe: Biggest life lesson I've learned while traveling, there are a bunch but I would say go with the flow. I think there's this element of travel where you can plan, and I love to plan, we love to plan, and you can coordinate all the details, but there's, there's always a chance that something is not going to go exactly as you've planned.

e life as it comes. And drop [:

Yeah. Go with the flow.

from my very first retreat in:

You flow a lot better Easier than I flow, but I'm working on it. We flow differently. We flow But we flow. So then the very last question is if you could give one piece of advice to an aspiring explorer, someone who wants to get out there [00:49:00] in the world but isn't quite sure how, why, when, what would you say to them?

Chloe: I would say book the trip. Go for it. There is gonna be a level of fear no matter what. Especially if you're stepping outside of your comfort zone. But I think life is precious and Time is precious and there is just so, so much to be learned about the world and about ourselves and about humanity and about consciousness that happens with travel that I would say don't waste another day.

Contact us at Rising Nature Retreats to book your next one. Come

Kelly: on retreat. That's my number one piece of advice. Come on retreat. Come on

Chloe: retreat. And so, yeah. So to piggyback on that, it's just like, If you are feeling like it is too scary, ask for support and help. Like, ask some friends if they want to travel with you.

u and guide you through that [:

Kelly: Awesome. Thank you so much. So I know I mentioned all the different ways to connect. Is there anywhere in particular that people could connect with you personally?

Is it, where's the best space online? Yes.

Chloe: Best space online would be my Instagram, of course, to follow me at thegeminirising underscore. And you can also visit my website chloerevelle. com or thegeminiraising. com. I have... special offering to share with all of you guys. You guys will be the first to hear it.

I am finally in the space where I'm feeling confident and ready with so much knowledge to share for anyone who is aspiring to learn how to play the crystal singing bowls and become a sound healer. And I'm launching my first It's the first official in person certification course in South Florida this November.

e to my class, like, they'll [:

How do I do that? So if you're one of those people, you can come and attend. If you're a yoga teacher or a Reiki practitioner or a massage therapist and you want to integrate sound as a healing modality to the offerings that you have already, this is for you. If you want to create community and you feel like sound healing and meditation is something that you want to learn about, Also for you this course will have meditation as a core component, so you'll learn in addition to how to play the instruments, like how to lead three basic meditations that can go really well with a sound bath experience.

So that's this November 18th and 19th. That's amazing. Yeah, all of that's on my

Kelly: website. I'm so, I'm so excited. We do get that a lot. Everyone gets so inspired after retreats. They're like, wait, I need to know more about these bowls. And so we can do a whole other podcast episode about the power of the bowls and all of that.

o share that with you. Well, [:

If it's relating to anything that we just spoke about, feel free to shoot us a message and we will answer it to the best of our ability on the next podcast, and I'm so happy and excited to be going on this journey with you, Chloe. Thank

Chloe: you. Thank you for having me and for encouraging these conversations.

This is it. This is how we get to talk about all the goodness, all the good stuff, the good vibes, the pura vida vibrations that come about on retreats,

Kelly: so thank you, Kelly. We're Just getting started. All right. Thanks, Chloe. Thank you.

reaming app you're listening [:

As always, we'd love if you could share the episode with someone in your life who you think will benefit from this conversation. Thanks so much for listening. This is your reminder to get out there and keep on exploring.

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About the Podcast

Transform With Travel
Go On An Adventure
Welcome to the Transform with Travel Podcast, where we share stories of personal transformation and life lessons through our experiences of traveling and exploring the world. Travel is the ultimate accelerator for personal growth and can be the root catalyst for the pivots and plot twists we make in our lives. I’m your host - Kelly Tolliday from Rising Nature Retreats - and it’s my mission to inspire you to live life to its fullest, travel with an open-mind & Heart, and let the world show you a new perspective.

About your host

Profile picture for Kelly Tolliday

Kelly Tolliday

Kelly is a Yoga & Meditation Teacher, Lifelong Student & Experience Enthusiast. Kelly fell head over heels in love with the practice of yoga & meditation when she was 15 years old, and the love affair with holistic wellness hasn't stopped since! She's passionate, purpose-driven and committed to serving her community, both on & off the mat.

Kelly has lived in Australia, Europe, Central America, South East Asia, and now back in her hometown in Florida. She's traveled to over 40 countries, and loves to swap stories of adventure with fellow travelers.

Kelly is the co-founder of Rising Nature Retreats - a group travel & wellness retreat company, offering world-class travel experiences around the world. She's passionate about travel, nature, holistic wellness & community building. She believes when these are combined - magic can happen.

Kelly is married to her husband Sam, and a mom to 2 beautiful girls & 2 crazy dogs.